Service Times

 10:00am: Worship Sevice
6:00pm: Bible Study
Date / Time
Cloud Image Taken by Dave Wicks.

Saint Robert church of Christ

Building photo Building3_zps2889e63a.jpg

The church of Christ meeting in St Robert is located right outside of Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Fort Leonard Wood is the Army's Maneuver Support Center, training more than 25,000 initial entry, engineer, chemical defense and military police soldiers each year. All are invited and welcome at each and every service.

Visitors are considered our honored guests. We encourage everyone to follow along and participate in our worship to God, and we invite you to ask any questions you may have.

You can contact us by phone: (573) 528-2028 or email: Preachtheword.

I don't like using 100% on a table cell when I have a pixel width defined in the other cell so rather than defining the 100% I just hide a large div at the bottom to push out the edge. I don't like using 100% on a table cell when I have a pixel width defined in the other cell so rather than defining the 100% I just hide a large div at the bottom to push out the edge.


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